Cancellation Policy
Cancellation policy for guests
If a guest decides they want to cancel a booking, they may be liable to a refund depending on the cancellation policy associated with the booking.
The cancellation policy is available on each summary page prior to confirming a booking.
If a guest does not pay the remaining balance after an initial deposit has been taken on the date specified in the booking confirmation, the total deposit will not be refunded and the booking will then be automatically cancelled. If you cancel your booking before paying the total balance, you will not be liable to a refund either. Once the total balance has been paid you can receive 50% refund of the total amount should you, (the guest), cancel 30 days before the check-in date. Should you cancel 21days before check-in then you will be liable to a 25% refund and should you cancel after 21 days before your stay you will not be entitled a refund.
Cancellation for short-let tenants
If the short-let tenant cancels a booking which is pending acceptance by an owner, QuickStay will cancel the request and return 100% of the money back to the tenant.
If the booking is accepted by the owner and the tenant cancels the booking, depending on the time of cancellation, a refund may be subject to the tenant on a basis where:
- The cancellation is within 2 months or more before the move in date, in which 100% of the payment will be refunded, (less the booking fee).
- The cancellation is less than 2 months prior to the move in date but more than 1 month, in which 60% of the payment will be refunded.
Should however the guest choose to cancel their booking less than 1 month before their move in date, it will be down to the owners discretion to refund any of the balance paid.
Strict cancellations
Hosts may choose to advertise a property with a strict cancellation policy, this means that the accommodation will not be subject to any cancellations. If hosts choose to have a strict cancellation policy, this will be accessible by 'cancellation policy' link on the summary page.
Cancellation by Host
If a host cancels a booking the guest will be entitled to a full refund should they choose to have their payment returned to them. Guests can also choose to look for an alternative accommodation in which the funds can be transferred to the new booking.
*Cancellation details of each booking will be stated in the summary page prior to making the booking and will also be stated in the booking confirmation sent to the guest/tenant once the booking has been confirmed.